

Long term protection for you and your family.

A Trust can provide long term protection to you and your family. A Trust is a document that provides a vessel to hold your assets and provides protection for you during your lifetime that a Will does not provide. A trust continues to provide benefits to you even if you become incompetent. If you become incompetent, your successor trustee simply steps in to take over management of your trust assets, but you remain the primary beneficiary.

Once you (or both you and your spouse) are gone, a trust provides long term protection to your beneficiaries after you die - under the terms you dictate.

A Trust does not go to probate and is private. In addition, your Trustee can determine which creditor claims will be paid and which claims will not be paid. This flexibility protects your beneficiaries. Finally, a trust saves your estate the expense of attorney and fiduciary fees in probate.

Finally, a Trust also allows your successor trustee to make the necessary tax elections that will benefit your estate.

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